Our team is growing!
Since the first of September 2021, our Board of Directors in Germany and our Board of Directors in South Africa each have two new members. We introduce:
Rhea Schönherr
Rhea is a SAGE Net Alumni and was in Makgatho Primary School in South Africa in 2019/20. However, due to the Corona Pandemic, she traveled back to Germany sooner.
Since then, she is actively involved in our working groups and actively works on many SAGE Net projects. At first Rhea worked on a new website.
Since 2021 Rhea is part of the Communication working group and responsible for the blogposts. For the 2020/21 volunteers, she helped put together the first merchandising collection. She also supports us with fundraising in various projects.
Rhea is studying social pedagogy.
Bliss Maseko
Bliss Rejiero Sibiya, born in 1997 in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, is a SAGE Net alumni who volunteered at the Strander Möwe kindergarten in Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, from 2019 to 2020.
He came across the SAGE Net program through a recommendation from a SAGE Net partner. Since learning about SAGE Net, he has not left the organization.
In addition to being a SAGE Net board member, he is also a writer, presenter, podcast personality, poet and business graduate.
Bliss also continues his journey to master the German language as he has discovered his love for this challenging but beautiful language.

Steven Lambeck
Steven is a professor of control engineering at Fulda University of Applied Sciences. In 2019, his daughter completed her voluntary service in South Africa. During tourist stays in Namibia and South Africa, he had already experienced the beauty and diversity of the country. As a result, Steven also became interested in the work of SAGE Net. With the introduction of the working groups, Steven was energetically involved and supported the WG “New footholds”. Today Steven is still working on new meeting projects within the WG.
In his spare time Steven is an ambitious long-distance runner.
Melanie Boltman
Melanie is currently the Operations Manager of Zip Zap Circus School in Cape Town. Zip Zap has been a guest project of SAGE Net for many years. It is a place where young people are empowered through the art of circus.
The corporate sector has been part of their lives for almost 20 years. She literally ran away to join the circus. She has an excellent track record in management, planning, coordination and outreach – from local facilities to major international donors.
Melanie manages the volunteer program and works with the young adults. As a manager, she is very appreciative of the unique skills and preferences of each volunteer.
She feels privileged to work in the field of social justice and young adult development.