ZipZap Circus during Corona
Part 2:
What is happening?
Corona Lockdown Part 2 Review
Art Exchange and Inspiration
After returning to physical training, we wanted to engage our Dare2Dream students in a more meaningful way. In February 2021, in collaboration with the Swiss Consulate, students were invited to visit the art exhibition of world-renowned Swiss-French artist Saype. This was followed by an art exchange where students were able to speak with the artist in person. Afterwards, our students presented their special artistic talents.
We took the opportunity to show the students the virtual Christmas circus show Soilu by Sorin Circus from Finland. This allowed them to appreciate the skills of others in the field of circus and performing arts as well. They also questioned their own skills. The instructors also explored new disciplines and continued their education.
International projects
With the introduction of Lockdown Level 2, we reconsidered our hygiene measures. For the time being, our measures were in line with national regulations. Except for two programs, we were able to continue our projects.
In collaboration with Demain’s Volunteers and The Wise Fools, we conducted project where our students receive virtual lessons from international circus professionals. Thus, they can potentially pursue an international career in circus arts!
The participants of our Zappers program were invited to participate in CircEsteem Virtual Circus Festival, hosted by Chicago Youth Social Circus. Eight children will participate in five workshops over the course of the project, where they will be able to showcase their talents, learn from professionals from around the world, and participate in a cultural exchange.
Lockdown Level 4 in June 2021
In June 2021, the President again called Stage 4 of the COVID 19 lockdown. As a result, we had to make the difficult decision to suspend all of our programs longer for the time being. Our MOYA performing arts group has moved to our on-site residence to train and be creative. Day-to-day operations have been adjusted to limit the number of staff entering the Academy offices each day. Staff* work in home offices and the hygiene concept has also been tightened.
As we did during the 2020 lockdown, we stay in touch with families, which helps us respond to calls for help. We inform all participants transparently about the further procedure.
This decision was not easy for us, but we will continue to fulfill our duty to act consistently and responsibly. In this way, we ensure the safety of everyone who belongs to ZipZap. We look forward to the return of our students.